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Facility Management Career (FMC) Program 

The Facility Management Career (FMC) Program introduces economically challenged high school, community college, and trade school students and their educators to the many benefits of a facility management career with a median pay over the next decade anticipated to be $96,940 per year on average, with 21,200 more jobs expected in the coming decade, 12% within California.

Welcome to IFMA and the IFMA Inland Empire Chapter!


the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) is the world's largest and most widely recognized international association for facilities management professionals, supporting 23,000 members in more than 100 countries, with 136 chapters, plus 16 industry councils and 6 communities of interest.


Chapter membership puts you and your organization in the front line of local FM programs, partners, events, networking, career opportunities, educational credentials, presentations, facility tours, utilizing IFMA’s body of knowledge, best management practices, and more. Let me show you about the “more.”


Facility Management Development Potential in the Inland Empire


The Inland Empire - So Cal’s Emerging Powerhouse and here are some reasons why:


  • Consistently the # 1 growth opportunity area for business in Southern California

  • Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario metro area is expected to grow from 4.5 million to 7.2 million people in the next 30 years — making it one of the top 10 largest metro areas by 2046.

  • The Inland Empire is a large region to the east of Los Angeles that includes Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. With 52 cities, a population of 4.5 million and $68 billion in taxable retail sales in 2015, it is a major economy and an important hub for domestic logistics.


Our FM Partners in IE & Their Goals and Objectives


There is a broad family of FM related organizations we can partner with as follows:

  • IFMA Foundation’s Global Workforce Initiative (GWI)

  • InTech Center’s workforce development programs that FM’s need

  • Chaffey College’s AA FM accreditation & apprenticeship programs

  • Chaffey College IFMA Chapter graduates’ pipeline to FM careers

  • Skills USA FM Pipeline and Facilithon Program

  • California Community College Chancellors Office (CCCCO) Energy, Construction & Utilities Division

  • SBCEDA’s workforce pipeline to better paying jobs from FM


SLIDE 5: The FM Shortage & Training Problem is All of Our Problems


There is a lack of trained FM professionals entering the workforce with these obstacles to overcome:


  • 49 is the average age of an FM professional, older than the average employee age of 45.

  • In 5-15 years, 50% of the existing FM workforce will retire.

  • Only 8% of IFMA members are under age 35.

  • We are graduating approximately 4,000 FM students per year from accredited degree programs.

  • IFMA has evidence that there will be between 50,000 and 100,000 available facility management jobs in the next five to 10 years, mainly through growth and retirement.


IFMA Foundation’s Global Workforce Initiative (GWI)


The IFMA Foundation Global Workforce Initiative (GWI) Facility Management Talent Pipeline programs address the triple bottom line values of Economy, Equity, and Environment and was created based on research that identified an annual industry gap of approximately 6,000 workers in California,“ said Joe Archie, IFMA Foundation Chair.


This recognition shows how industry and education working together can not only solve problems but create a career pathway for a profession that requires life-long learning as buildings become smarter and sustainability more prevalent.


California Community College Chancellors Office (CCCCO) Energy, Construction & Utilities (ECU) Division


“The Facility Management Talent Pipeline programs offered through our community colleges uniquely targets students enrolled in the business programs. It's an ideal population, with aligned skills, large enrollments and diverse backgrounds,” said James Morante, Statewide Director of Energy, Construction & Utilities for California's Community Colleges.


Jon Caffery Regional Director of Employer Engagement for Energy, Construction, and Utilities Region E Inland Empire Desert is helping our chapter with $5k grant for FM IE database.


Let’s Make the IE Chapter the Epicenter of ALL Things FM In So Cal


Research in 2016 identified 3,200 Facility Manager job openings annually in four Southern California counties versus an estimated 30 individuals completing a recognized entry-level Facility Management program in that region.


The good news is the IFMA Foundation Global Workforce Initiative and IFMA IE Chapter can addressing the FM talent gap in a number of ways per this presentation.


IFMA and the IFMA Foundation have the credentials and educational programs to train the future workforce and become the regions FM development leaders, plus more.


Make Available the EoFM Program to FM Operations & Maintenance (O&M)


IFMA’s Essentials of Facility Management Workshop Series are designed to help newcomers to the FM field and focuses on the facility manager’s role in the tactical planning, scheduling, and accomplishment of daily FM tasks.


This program is also perfect for existing FM personnel who want to deepen their knowledge of FM, grow as a facilities manager, and start their first step towards an IFMA certification with the Essentials of Facility Management series.


The program consists of 3 workshop series for a total of 10 modules. The content focuses on basic FM knowledge and concepts. Successful completion of all 10 workshops earns the certificate of completion.


Chaffey College’s AA FM Accreditation Program is Going Statewide


The first Facility Management program for the California Community College (CCC) system was launched at Chaffey College in 2017 and, in just two years, the students won the 2019 international IFMA Student Chapter and Instruction (Phyllis Meng) of the Year awards. “We are very proud of our facility management students and our partnership with the IFMA Foundation” said Dr. Henry Shannon, Chaffey College President. “This program is not only providing a viable career pathway but also improving economic growth in our communities.”


The IE Chapter helped contribute to this success. Let’s do it again by helping them develop an Inland Empire FM Success Kit for EoFM Graduates that our chapter can put together.


Chaffey College IFMA Chapter Apprenticeship Program Pipeline


Per Sandra Sisco, Chaffey College Director of Economic Development, and the InTech Center. “The curriculum, combined with on-the-job training, provides a direct response to employers who are experiencing a lack of skilled workers in the Inland Desert region.” Our chapter can be the pipeline.


Apprenticeships allow an employer to establish when a performance level has been met  and provides an added accountability factor to both the company and apprentice. By engaging in this program, employers can see a reduction in turnover rates, increase in productivity and provide a stable and reliable pipeline of qualified workers.


InTech Center’s Workforce Development Programs


The Industrial Technical Learning Center (InTech) partnership with Chaffey College is a regional training center designed to train and upskill a workforce pipeline for FM business and O&M industry in the Inland Empire region and provides training at no cost to all individuals.


InTech is the first public-private partnership in the California Community College System and provides in-demand technical training and professional development programs that include nationally recognized stackable certifications and lead to good paying careers. Rosalinda Rivas will tell us more about this.


San Bernardino County Economic Development Agency (SBCEDA) Workforce Development


SBCEDA’s 2020 Comprehensive Workforce Roadmap designed to identify the greatest areas of opportunity for job creation and workforce development and it projects employment in the county to increase by 73,000 jobs over the next decade.


FM unleashes the power of individuals’ potential with new skills and opportunities for employment for both middle skill level and college educated job seekers in a manner that optimizes the progress and success of individuals to engage in higher levels of education and employment and achieve greater economic success.


This is how the IE Chapter can contribute.


Skills USA FM Pipeline & Facilithon Programs


The FM Pipeline Team is a group of IFMA chapter leaders, members, fellows, and entrepreneurs who are working to address the skills gap in facility management. In California, about 25,000 facilities-related jobs are expected to open in the next decade.


SkillsUSA, is America’s second-largest and fastest-growing Career Technical Student Organization, where their skills and acuity for the FM career are honed as students make those critical career decisions. Their Facilithon program represents the best springboard to facilities management careers through mentorship and competition.


Distribution Center Capital of USA


With easy access to the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the Inland Empire, has emerged as a significant big-box and warehouse distribution hub for the greater Southern California region (with nearly 24 million residents).


Between 2001 and 2016, the Inland Empire added 237,000 jobs, of which 55,000, or about 22 percent, were in the transportation and distribution sector. This proportion illustrates the importance of logistics and industrial real estate to the region’s economy. We need to tap into:


  • Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP).

  • Distribution Management Association (DMA) of Southern California

  • National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW). NAWD


Summary of Opportunities and Benefits for IE Chapter


The IE Chapter needs to elevate it’s FM standing in the Inland Empire and be the “go to” FM organization for all things FM whether it’s something IFMA related or not.


Our chapter’s outreach to grow our membership provides positive outcomes and corollary benefits for the family of FM organizations listed below by promoting their programs and benefits alongside ours.


As the saying goes: “A rising tide lifts all ships!” That’s “FM ships” as you can see. Let’s do it and make this decade the greatest so far!


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